
Partnership & Cooperation 2025

Texcare France beneficiates from strong partnerships :

  • Professional organizations that take part in different activities of the exhibition
  • Professional press and web medias that are currently relaying information about the exhibition

Associative partners

Association Française des Laveries (AFL)


The AFL is the union of the self-service laundrettes, it informs about the standards and the laws to be respected. It gathers, informs, defends and advises the owners of laundrettes.

Visit AFL website



Cofreet, the French Committee for Textile Care Labelling, representing the Textile and Clothing sector, ensures that care symbols are properly understood and promoted among consumers and professionals in the sector.

Visit Cofreet website



CTTN-IREN is a non-profit institute working in the field of industrial and household cleaning, especially of textiles. It publishes the ETN publication which provides information for the dry cleaning and industrial laundry sector.

Visit CTTN-IREN website

Fédération Française des Pressings et Blanchisseries (FFPB)


The FFPB is a professional union that gathers 700 establishments. It represents the dry cleaning and laundry sector in dealings with public institutions and offers environmental, legal and social advice.

Visit FFPB website



With 3,600 members, the VDMA is the largest network organization and an important voice for the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry in Germany and Europe. The association represents the common economic, technical and scientific interests of this unique and diverse industry.

VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies represents the most important German and European manufacturers, notably, in the laundry and textile cleaning technology.

Visit VDMA website

Media partners

Ehpadia Hospitalia

Entretien Textile

Ehpadia is a magazine, a website and a webTV for all the latest news related to residential care and retirement homes.
Hospitalia is the magazine for hospital innovation.

Entretien Textile & PIC Magazine

Entretien Textile

It is the inavoidable magazine for all the professionals of textile care in France. Entretien Textile is co-organizing Texcare France Trophees.

Visit Entretien Textile website

PIC Magazine brings together all the news on Safety and Health at Work

Discover the latest news from PIC magazine

HR Infos

HR infos


The first multimedia portal for hospital and restaurant professionals.

Industrie Hôtelière / Restauration Collective

Entretien Textile

Discover these two media of the éditions de la RHF specialised in the field of the restaurant and hotel industry with, respectively, a magazine and a news website.

Journal des Palaces

Entretien Textile

Le Journal des Palaces is the daily online newspaper for the ultra-luxury and luxury hotel industry since 2004. Sector news, job offers and useful resources are available for free. It offers its readers the opportunity to get information, communicate, be put in touch and recruit with the newspaper.

Visit Journal des Palaces


Entretien Textile

HOSPIHUB is established as a French information and networking platform for stakeholders and service providers in the hospital sector in France, North Africa and French-speaking Africa.

Visit Hospihub